Sigh of relief. This year is almost over. It's been exhausting.
So much has happened this year, I don't know where to start. I feel like this year has aged me -- has aged everyone I love -- more than almost any other year I can remember. I'm not that old, so maybe this is one of those statements I'll look back on and laugh about. Maybe I'll realize at some point that this is just how it is, that we just gallop along on wild horses, holding onto manes for dear life. Hoping we don't fall.
This has been a year of loss, most of it so senseless and unexpected that I grow dizzy when I think about it. Ellen. Jessica. A.'s dad. S.'s nephew. D. Melodye. Most of these names and initials will mean little to those of you who read this, and the list isn't even complete. I wish I could find the words to explain each of these lives, but I can't find the right combination to express who they were and how they have affected me or the people privileged to be an even bigger piece of their worlds.
2006 has tried to teach me about letting go. I guess I've learnt that it's harder than I imagined. There's never enough time. If I could have one wish, it would be to have everyone I love surrounding me all the time. I don't like missing people. I prefer to appreciate them when they are right here, close enough to touch.
But this year has also had a lot of good. I've had many opportunities for which I am grateful. I am working on a project with many talented, intelligent, and awe-inspiring people. It let's me feel like I am a talented, intelligent, and awe-inspiring person (though I still bow to their greatness again and again -- how have I managed to consistently surround myself with people who are not only talented and intelligent, but also good? I think I've been pretty blessed).
I got to meet Rae this year (at her wedding, no less!) and have adventure after adventure. I've laughed a lot, and discovered that I don't like saying goodbye to people (hi S.!) and I'll probably never be good at it because no matter how much I know it not to be the case, I always feel like I'm being abandoned. It's selfish, I know, but it comes from a place of love, honestly. And though I'm not good at goodbye, in the end I just want the people I love to be happy. So I'm trying to get better at it. Of course, this hasn't stopped me from trying to convince those who are far away (hi A. and K., if you're reading!) that they should help me make my dream of being constantly surrounded by my favourite people a reality. I'm stubborn that way.
I'm happy, I really am. Exhausted, a little pummelled maybe, but happy. I miss some of you dreadfully (A.M., A+K, S+J, A.B., R. -- the list is far from complete) but you are in my thoughts often and my heart always.
Okay, enough with the year-end sentimentality. I have a Christmas mix c.d. to make (and if any of you want a copy, you should send me your address, even if I already have it.)